Step-by-step description of the steps to create a dedicated portfolio (Investors' Guide)

Get the benefits of professional fund management and specialized investment by entering into a contract with Iranian Investment Portfolio Company. This company provides you with a diverse portfolio of investment options. In order to learn step by step how to enter into a portfolio management contract with Iranian Capital Portfolio Company, follow the text below.

Step 1) Registration in the Comprehensive Customer Information System (SJAM): 

According to the governing rules and regulations, obtaining any basic services for all real and legal clients in the capital market depends on registering information and identifying individuals in the comprehensive customer information system (SJAM), which is possible with little time. Registration in this system takes place in two stages including registration of identification and banking information and then authentication.

This system is launched and supported by the Central Securities Depository and Funds Settlement Company, in order to register in this system, visit the Sejam system website at the address or through the software Use applications such as Up and Signal. It is necessary to explain that the guide on how to register in this system is available at the mentioned address.

Second step) completion of risk assessment forms

The risk assessment forms are designed to measure the level of acceptable risk for real and legal customers. Before concluding a contract with the company, customers need to read and complete these forms, which include some information on income, expenses, horizons and investment goals, and some four-choice questions.

Samples of these forms are available for natural persons through this link and for legal entities through this link.

In order to create an electronic platform and facilitate communication between customers and the company, Sabbadgardan Kapilim Iranian has designed and launched an offline customer registration system, so that by logging in and registering in this system, each customer's information is automatically received through the system system. Comprehensive customer information (SJAM) (previous stage) has been completed and it is possible to complete the risk assessment form and other requested documents for entering into a contract, deposit and withdrawal supplements, cancellation, reporting, etc. can be done entirely through this system.

In order to register and log in to this system, you can proceed through this link or click on the comprehensive customer system option on the first page of the company's website.

Third stage) contract

By registering in the comprehensive customer information system, completing the risk tolerance questionnaire and uploading the documents, including the deposit receipt to the introduced account, it is possible to conclude a contract electronically. After signing the contract, the company's experts have taken the necessary measures to issue the customer-specific cart management code, and after issuing the code, a username and password to enter the company's dedicated cart reporting system through this link or from the first page of the site. The company will send an available message to the customer that by logging into this system, dear customers can access the latest status of their portfolio, including the type and amount of assets, portfolio yield, purchases and sales, and other information.

If you need guidance and additional information during any of the above steps, you can contact the company's experts during office hours or use the contact form on the first page of the company's website.