Dedicated cart management


Briefly, portfolio management includes the decision to buy, sell or hold securities in the name of a certain investor by the portfolio manager in the form of a specific contract, in order to gain profit for the investor.

Professional management of people's funds (both real and legal) have been introduced in the capital market. In fact, according to the contract between the portfolio management companies and the clients, the portfolio manager undertakes to use specialized services in the field of buying and selling financial assets and implementing the contract in order to maximize the returns adjusted to the customer's risk.

Each customer, their needs, goals and investment horizon, takes steps to form a suitable investment portfolio. Based on this, the benefits of using the services of the portfolio management company for asset management include the following:

- Taking advantage of the knowledge and experience of specialized and experienced human resources in investment matters

- Investing in the capital market according to the needs and goals of the client

- Asset risk control and management according to customer risk assessment

- And ...